John A. Chiasson wins his 7th Best Overall Championsip
John A. Chiasson has won 53 waterfowl calling championships (22 world championships in single and teams) and placed in the top five 156 times in his 171 total contest career-so for. Meaning that he has won 31% of the contests he’s entered and placed 1-5 in 91.2% of them.
TOP 5 FINISH 91.2% OF THE TIME IN 171 Contests.
On July 9th 2017 in Katy, Texas John won his 7th best overall championship. The best overall is based on an accumulation of points awarded for placing in the top 5 in duck events (mallard, pintail, widgeon, teal and wood duck) individual and teams and in goose events (speck and snow) individual and team. Guy with the most points is the best overall champion. Placing high or winning in both duck and goose calling events is necessary as is competing in multiple events. Not to mention the hours of practicing multiple species calling.
Don’t hear much about overall championships because there is only one best overall champion per contest. There are 9 individual champions per contest but only one best overall. So best overall doesn’t get a lot of press but 7 overalls is real heavy weight. Congratulations John.